Arriving on time:
Our Instructors and Flight Sessions do get booked up in advanced and it is likely that there will be a flight before and after your time in the Sim, so please arrive no later than 5 minutes before your scheduled flight. There is a Coffee Lounge on site where you will check in and be ready for take off. If you arrive late and cause a delay, please note that this will cut your flight by the length of time you are late by as we aim to always be on time to our #wannabepilots.
Cancellations/ Refunds Policy:
All our Pilots, Captains and Instructors are arranged specifically for your Flight Sim Experience at the point of sale. This means that your booking with us is guaranteed once you have received confirmation. Therefore, should a cancellation be required by you, you should expect to be charged a 50% fee of the original booking. If your cancellation falls within 7 working days of your Flight Sim Experience, 100% of the original booking fee will be chargeable. For Rescheduled Bookings, expect to pay a £10.00 administration charge. Rescheduled Bookings are not guaranteed but we will do our best to accommodate your preferences.
Refund Request for cancelled bookings:
At your earliest convenience, an email must be sent to with instruction from the original payee to request a cancellation. Please note: For data protection purposes, we can only issue refunds to the original payee.If your experience is outside of our 7-day notice period, 50% of the original booking value will be refunded within 28 days depending on who you bank with. Once a refund has been issued, we cannot chase this up with your bank for you.
Requests for Rescheduled Flights:
At your earliest convenience, please send an email to with your full name, bookings details, a few dates and times preferred for the reschedule. An invoice will then be sent to you for the £10.00 administration fee, once this has been paid, a reschedule will then be made by our Bookings Team.